Set during the 1930s in the Great Smoky Mountains of east Tennessee, this heart-warming and truly unforgetable production imagines Ebenezer Scrooge as the owner of a mining company town, where his callous greed blinds him to the joys and gifts of the season.
As a Christmas Eve snowstorm approaches, Scrooge is visited by three ghosts who compel him to see life anew and discover that love is the greatest and most precious gift we have.
Dickens’ classic characters and Parton’s one-of-a-kind songwritng and storytelling expertise are certain to make this the most joyful Christmas event. Dolly Parton: ‘I’ve been busy writng new songs that I hope will bring some of the warmth, love and good memories that I have of Christmas me in the smoky mountains of my youth.’
Presented in associaon with Fiery Angel Entertainment
Please Note: Dolly Parton will not feature live in this production